Urgent Notice: Payment of N200 Exam Fee Required



Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wa barakaatuh.

Dear Parents/Guardians.

We hope this message finds you in good health. We are writing to inform you about an important update regarding the upcoming exams at Nurul Huda Academy.

After careful consideration and consultation with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Board Members, it has been determined that an additional Exam fee of N200 per student will be required. This decision was reached due to the recent increase in the costs of Exam materials and fuel, which directly impact the smooth conduct of our exams.

The N200 Exam fee is crucial to ensure that the exams are conducted successfully, allowing our pupils to demonstrate their knowledge and skills effectively. The funds will be utilized to procure necessary exam materials and cover printing costs.

We kindly request all parents/guardians to submit the N200 Exam fee at the school’s administrative office no later than July 14th 2023. We understand that unexpected expenses can sometimes pose challenges, but this measure is necessary to maintain the quality and integrity of our examination process.

We value your cooperation and support in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the school administration or the PTA Board Members. We are committed to providing the best educational experience for our students, and your understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We look forward to your cooperation and the successful commencement of the exams.

Wassalamu Alaikum

Nurul Huda Academy, Shendam

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 08069638767, 08034313554

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